EDitorial ± 22-Dec-2003

Snow Business

I won't keep you this week, since I'm sure we've all got better things to do. Even I believe it's too late to order online now. Step 1, buying stuff, largely completed. Step 2, wrapping stuff, underway.

Get any snow today? Kids very excited this morning with the modest overnight flurries. Here was the view from the front door as I left for work:

Scene outside Broom Acres at 8am today

Stopped en route to buy 24 Co-op mince pies for my full-of-festive-cheer co-workers. That's the kind of guy I am, ho-ho-ho.

Final mental exercise to keep your little grey cells active: create a four word poem whose initial letters spell out the word s-n-o-w. My best and only effort:


As Margo said in tonight's Good Life Christmas special, yuletide felicitations to you all!
