EDitorial ± 2-Apr-2010

TT0910, Week 26

Out to capable Capel for game 24 of a 24 game Sep-Apr run. PC Andy's back for his first game in two months -- Defiants' second game in two days --is there anything left in the tank?

Playing in Capel's village church hall: high ceiling and the walls covered with inspirational messages. Also a handy prayer room which perhaps we should have taken advantage of.

  • Andy C. -- 5 end victory v. unlucky Ben
  • Andy W. -- no points, no ends, but some half-decent shots in there
  • Ed -- star for a night, two nights running, 2 points: two unlikely wins against unfortunate Ben and niceguy Matt, and was pleased to get one end v. the hard-looping Luke

Capel's pub closed up and up for sale, so retired to the bizarre Holiday Inn for end-of-the-season drinks. Nuts were underwhelming, a bit like our season.